Falco Aircraft Association


Dear Falco Owner, Builder, Pilot, Enthusiast etc.

With the demise of the falcoaircraft.org website, a few of us have been tossing around the idea of a NEW Falco Aircraft Association. We've had supportive discussions with the EAA, current Falco insurance companies, and a few other members of small type associations.

We've now developed this

Falco Aircraft Association Strategic Plan

which we would like to put out for comment to gauge level of interest in the ideas and suggestions contained therein. Based on the level of interest / feedback etc, we are thinking to formalize the concept, and start developing the association in the new year.

Please provide feedback directly to me, on the Falco forum, or call/text me on +1-949-485-1958.

Kindest regards,

David Leslie
cell phone for call or text: +1-949-485-1958