Cipriano Kritzinger


Believe it or not, I made the first flight. Everything was working fine except the speed reading was erroneous, I had a leak in the pitot line since I had to install a water drain. After fixing it the speed went up to almost 100 knots with gear down but there seems to be still a leak in the system. I will find it. Second the MP needle vibrates at least over 3 to 4 inches, power setting becomes difficult with such a problem. I already checked my induction system for leaks. I thought about inserting a orifice in the MP line to the instrument which will have a damping effect. Before this I will check the connections to the instrument, maybe I made a mistake.

17 years ago I started the building and I bought the plans in I think 1980. Long time ago. Actually building time was probably not more than 7 years. But I was active as Flight Instructor, later in the Management of LTU International Airlines and the my wife got MS in 1990 and finally in April my wife died. Altogether slowed down the completion of the Falco. Unfortunately my wife could not see the Falco flying. She had never had a problem with my hobby, she liked it.

Today Harry Castermans was also attending the first flight and made a few pictures. Unlikely he used my Digital Camera and was not familiar with it, so the Pictures are not optimal. But next week I will make some more pictures including the report for the builder letter.

Cipriano Kritzinger
August 16, 2004


Cipriano Kritzinger in cockpit of his A330

Cipriano Kritzinger is an airline pilot in Germany.


The Fullfillment of Perfection